25 agosto, 2014

The Countdown (La cuenta atrás) Bilingual

Why do preseason rankings?
Many people are against preseason rankings. Luckily, the official rankings from the committee don't begin until October. Rankings are interesting for many reasons, but mainly because they give a glimpse of what to expect. Comparing the final rankings with early rankings allows you to see who did or didn't live up to the hype, and what the surprise teams were. While it is usually tough to predict exact records, it is fairly simple to get a feel for how teams will be. Of my top 35 rankings from last year (added at the bottom), only three ended up under .500%. Obviously suspensions and injuries (Ex: Georgia 2013) are the biggest thorns to accurate preseason rankings.

¿Por qué hago clasificaciones de pretemporada?
Mucha gente están contra de las clasificaciones de pretemporada. Por suerte,  las clasificaciones oficiales del comité no empiezan hasta octubre. Las clasificaciones son interesantes por varias razones, mayormente porque te dan ojeada de las expectativas. Comparar las clasificaciones finales con las tempranas te permite ver a quien sí o no satisfizo toda la emoción y cuales equipos sorprendieron. Aunque generalmente es un reto predecir marcas exactas, es bastante sencillo percibir cómo desempeñarán los equipos. De mis clasificaciones de 35 equipos el año pasado (agregada al inferior), sólo tres finalizaron debajo de ,500%. Obviamente suspensiones y lesiones (ejemplo: Georgia 2013) son los espinos más grandes para clasificaciones precisas de la pretemporada.

2014 Preseason Rankings
Clasificaciones de pretemporada 2014

Oregon State/Kansas State/TCU/TX A&M
(Predicted record before Bowl Games: 8-4)
(Récord predicho antes de Partidos de Tazón: 8-4)

31 Duke (9-3)

30 Texas (8-4)

29 Wisconsin (8-4)

28 Northwestern (9-3)

27 Michigan (8-4)

26 UCF (9-3)

25 Boise State (10-3)

24 Virginia Tech (9-3)

23 Notre Dame (8-4)

22 Clemson (9-3)

21 Houston (10-2)

20 Marshall (11-2)

19 Washington (9-3)

18 Iowa (10-3)

17 Ohio State (9-3)

16 BYU (10-2)

15 USC (9-3)

14 Ole Miss (9-3)

13 North Carolina (10-3)

12 LSU (9-3)

11 Baylor (10-2)

10 Stanford (9-3)

9 UCLA (10-3)

8 Georgia (10-2)

7 South Carolina (10-3)

6 Auburn (10-2)

5 Michigan State (11-2)

4 Oregon (11-2)

3 Oklahoma (11-1)

*2 Alabama (11-2)*

1 Florida State (13-0)

*Wins National Championship vs Florida State
*Gana Campeonato Nacional contra Florida State

2013 Preseason 35
#35 ASU: Finished 9-4
34 Michigan: 7-6
33 Northern Illinois 12-2
32 East Carolina 10-3
31 Northwestern 5-7
30 BYU 8-5
29 USC 9-4
28 Utah State 9-5

27 Oklahoma St 10-3
26 Oklahoma 11-2
25 Ole Miss 8-5
24 Fresno St 12-2
23 Baylor 11-2
22 Florida 4-8
21 Miami Fl. 9-4
20 Boise State 8-5
19 Oregon St. 7-6
18 Wisconsin 9-4

17 Washington 8-5
16 LSU 10-3
15 Michigan St.  13-1
14 UCLA 10-3
13 TCU 4-8
12 Notre Dame 8-5
11 Florida State 14-0 (Finished #1)
10 South Car. 11-2
9 Texas 8-5
8 Clemson 11-2
7 Louisville 12-1

6 TX A&M 9-4
5 Oregon 11-2
4 Stanford 11-3
3 Ohio St. 12-2
2 Georgia 8-5
1 Alabama 12-2

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