30 septiembre, 2014

Los Reales finalmente juegan en los Playoffs de nuevo: MLB Playoffs comienza

A los Reales de Kansas City (89-73) sólo les faltó un juego para empatar al primer puesto en la División Central de la Liga Americana. No obstante, con una posición finalizada en Los Playoffs por el Comodín (Wild Card), marca la primera vez desde 1985 que los Reales se han metido en los Playoffs. El equipo ganó todo en aquel año.

James Shields toma el montículo para Kansas City este Martes de noche, en una serie de sólo un partido local contra Jon Lester y los Atléticos de Oakland (88-74), el equipo que ganó su último encuentro para evitar un juego del desempate contra los Seattle Marineros. El ganador juega en Los Ángeles contra los Angelinos (98-64).

Mientras tanto, los mencionados campeones de la División Central de la Liga Americana, Los Tigres de Detroit (90-72), enfrentan a los Baltimore Orioles (96-66), campeones de la División Este de la Liga Americana.

Los Piratas de Pittsburgh (88-74) de nuevo se consiguieron un Comodín, y van a hospedar los Gigantes de San Francisco (88-74) el miércoles. El equipo ganador jugará en contra de los Nacionales de Washington (96-66), los cuales dominaron la División Este de la Liga Nacional con poca dificultad.

Finalmente, los Dodgers de Los Ángeles (93-68) jugarán contra los Cardenales de St Louis (90-72).

La Liga Americana posee la ventaja local en la Serie Mundial.

29 septiembre, 2014

Kansas City Royals Finally Make Playoffs Again: MLB Playoff Field Set

Kansas City (89-73) finished just one game away from a tie for first place in the AL Central Division. With a spot in the Playoffs secured through a Wild Card, it marks the first time since 1985 that the Royals found themselves in the Playoffs. They won it all that year.

James Shields takes the mound for Kansas City on Tuesday night, in a one game series at home against Jon Lester and the Oakland Athletics (88-74), who won their last match to avoid a tiebreaker game against the Seattle Mariners (87-75). The winner of the game will play the Los Angeles Angels (98-64).

Meanwhile, the mentioned AL Central Champions, the Detroit Tigers (90-72), will face the AL East Champions, the Baltimore Orioles (96-66).

The Pittsburgh Pirates (88-74) once again got themselves into a Wild Card spot and will host the San Francisco Giants (also 88-74) on Wednesday. The winner plays the Washington Nationals (96-66), who took the NL East with little difficulty this season.

Finally, the LA Dodgers (93-68) will play the St Louis Cardinals (90-72).

The AL gets homefield advantage for the World Series.

28 septiembre, 2014

Your Potential of Greatness

Every day we are creating and becoming something, whether we realize it or not.
Our everyday decisions and desires create what/who we are, the achievements we reach, the people that we have served and helped, etc. Regardless of our achievements or recognition, we all have tremendous potential and worth in so many ways.

Yes, even "ordinary" people do.

Becoming something great does not mean we have to become the president, be highly recognized in public, make millions of dollars, or come up with technological breakthroughs. We can achieve so much as a good parent, friend, colleague, etc. I will explain why:

When I think of people who are famous in history, I realize credit shouldn't be given to them alone. 

Think of the influence that relatives and acquaintances have had on the people we recognize in history. Take the crew that assisted Christopher Columbus, for instance, or the previous coaches of a professional athlete, and you will see that each played a major role in the other person's life. Some of these people didn't get much credit, but that doesn't change their worth or the impact that they had.

The famous artist Vincent Vangogh was seen by others in his day as a less than average painter, but today his paintings and story have touched millions and millions. I believe his brother was one of his only supporters, and the impact that resulted from their relationship is practically incalculable.

Wherever you are now, regardless of how long you have been there, is not where you can be. It is not too late! Our impact on others goes far beyond what we ourselves notice, especially in today's world where technology greatly expands our sphere of influence.

Some things are out of our control, but look at what is in your control. As we know from Van Gogh's brother, even if you put in your best effort and become a positive influence in just one person's life, you will have created more joy than you realize.

You, whoever you are, are a son or daughter of God, and have the potential of greatness in your hands.

Photo taken by author

Fanáticos de Yankees son optimísticos, a pesar de perder los Playoffs

Aunque los Yankees se hallan fuera de los Playoffs, su temporada acabó en una manera bastante positiva. La noche del jueves fue dulce-amarga, cuando Jeter jugó su final partido en Nueva York.

Aunque estaba lleno de emoción, su desempeño fue magnífico y se mantuvo enfocado. Impulsó una carrera por un doblete en la primera entrada, y casi fue un vuelacercas.

Jeter terminó con tres carreras impulsadas (RBIs) durante la noche. Ninguna fue mayor que la cual dio fin al partido:


El sencillo ganador de Jeter fue una manera estelar de concluir su carrera en Nueva York. Los Yankees finalizarán su temporada 2014 en Boston con tres partidos contra las Medias Rojas.
Jeter ha dicho que no va a jugar el campocorto en partido ninguno, y probablemente hará el papel del pelotero designado.

¿De nuevo puede asombrar Jeter? Otra actuación dinámica--esta vez contra el rival de su equipo--sería algo sobresaliente para el jugador conocido como "la cara de la MLB".

25 septiembre, 2014

Yankee Fans Cheery, Despite Missing the Playoffs

Although the Yankees fell short in reaching the Playoffs, their season ended in a rather positive way. Thursday night was bitter-sweet, as Derek Jeter played his final game in New York.

Even though he was emotional, he came up big and remained focused on the game. He hit an RBI double in the first inning, which nearly cleared the fence. He finished with three RBIs on the night. None were bigger than the one he had to close the game.


Jeter's game winning single was a terrific way to wrap up his career at home. The Yankees will finish their 2014 season with three games in Boston vs the Red Sox. Jeter said he will not be playing shortstop in any of those games, and will likely fill the role of the designated hitter.

Will he come up big again? Another dynamic performance--this time against his team's rival--would be something special for the player known as "The Face of the MLB."

1. Jeff Roberson

19 septiembre, 2014

El equipo de América

BYU es el equipo de América. Yo twiteé esta frase más temprano en la semana, y alguien mucho más prominente compartió pensamientos semejantes en televisión nacional, después del partido el jueves de noche entre BYU y Houston. BYU ganó 33-25 para conseguir marca 3-0 por la primera vez desde 2008.

Chris Low de ESPN dijo que "En varias maneras son más o menos el equipo de América, el equipo al cual todos apoyan; No están en una conferencia de poder..." No se dice la frase para abatir a los demás equipos, pero BYU es el mejor equipo de los afuera de las conferencias de poder, y es el primer año del College Football Playoff. Sería especial si BYU fuera seleccionado, a pesar de la oposición que enfrenta (tal como especulación de los medios de que aun una temporada 12-0 no lo garantiza lugar en el Playoff de cuatro equipos).

Si sea o no que BYU finalice con marca 12-0, QB Taysom Hill se ha atraído la atención nacional con su alto nivel de jugar, algo que debería de seguir aumentando el apoyo para el equipo.

El partido el jueves de noche fue muy significante porque tomó lugar el 11 de septiembre, día importante para los americanos. Varios programas ocurrieron, conmemorando el día en el estadio. "Qué no nos olvidemos" es el clamor alrededor la nación que se asigna al día. Nunca te olvides de los seres queridos y amigos. Nunca te olvides de los que han sacrificado tanto por ti. Nunca des por sentado esa libertad.


13 septiembre, 2014

America's Team

BYU is America's team: I tweeted this phrase earlier in the week, and someone much more prominent shared similar thoughts on national TV, following Thursday night's game between BYU and Houston. BYU won 33-25 to reach a 3-0 record for the first time since 2008.

ESPN's Chris Low said that "In a lot of ways they're sort of America's team, the team everyone is rooting for; They're not in a Power Five Conference..." This claim isn't made to bash other teams, but BYU is the best Non-Power Five Team this year and it's the first year of the College Football Playoff. It would be special for BYU to be selected, despite the opposition they face (like speculation from the media that even a 12-0 season may not give them a spot in the four team playoff).

Regardless of whether or not BYU finishes with a 12-0 record, Quarterback Taysom Hill has caught national attention with his high level of play, which has and should continue to increase support for the team.

Thursday's game against Houston was especially significant because it was held on September 11th, an important day for Americans. Various programs commemorating the day took place at the stadium. "We will never forget" is the cry around the nation that is associated with the day. Never forget loved ones and friends. Never forget those who have sacrificed for you. Never take freedom for granted

1 Picture credit given to @Wendy_B (Twitter).